Maltby Rother Valley Lions were busy once again over the Christmas period bringing some much needed Christmas cheer to our local communities. Our two Santa Sleighs travelled the streets of Rother Valley for two weeks right up to Christmas Eve with the help of volunteers old and new.

Thank you from Maltby and Rother Valley Lions ClubThank you to all our collectors, drivers, Santas, to Lee at METS Autocare & Go Perform in Dinnington for the loan of a towing vehicle for the full two weeks and to Maltby and Dinnington Tesco for all your generous donations and for allowing us to collect outside the stores. We could not do this without the help of all you wonderful people and a massive thank you to everyone who so kindly donated to us in so many ways, helping us to raise this fantastic amount.

We also visited local schools with Santa and the Sleigh and thank you to them for the laughter, singing and their donations and running our Advent tree raffles and to all the people and local businesses who also ran our Advent Tree raffles. This wonderful amount will help us to support so many causes and people in need and once again, a heartfelt thank you to you all who helped us to raise £17,500! From all the members of Maltby and Rother Valley Lions Club.

Would you like to become a member of the Lions or support the charity in any way? Message us for more information or call us on: 07504 326336